Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Happy Birthday, t. We are so happy to be able to celebrate another year of your life with you. You are a treasure. You are smart, funny, creative, mischevious, delightful, sensitive, expressive and a true delight. We love you more than we ever dared hope or dream. We thank God for you every day and we are so greateful that you have been given to us to love and cherish. Happy Birthday!!!
Like his father, t's “love language”is primarily food. We started the day with his favorite breakfast of oatmeal. Later we invited some of his friends over to watch “Cars” the movie. I'm not sure how well it translated but all the kids laughed and smiled throughout. Dinner was another favorite of macaroni and cheese (a huge splurge here-cheese is very expensive and not easy to find.) He LOVED it. He said the food here is better than the food at home. After dinner we had more friends over and shared a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting...sounds simple but everything was made from scratch-even the frosting, which began as milk powder and was turned into yogurt, then strained into greek yogurt, then super-strained/squeezed into neufchatel. Which I then made into frosting. Needless to say, it was delicious, and t. was very pleased. He even sang “Happy Birthday” to himself, very quickly, before diving in, not unlike his “turbo grace” that he is known for saying before meals. (“DearGodthankyouforthisnicefoodamen!”)

t's only complaint was heard after celebrating. “Mommy, I still can't read!” Much disappointment came upon realizing that despite his advanced age, he is still yet unable to read.


  1. happy birthday uncle true! -m&v

  2. Happy birthday, buddy! So glad you got our email before you went to bed :-D

    I looove his comment about reading – how cute is that. Like so many things in life we have to work hard to learn, wouldn't it be fun if a switch flipped on your birthday and you suddenly just knew how? I am sure "learning Swahili" would be a nice one to arrive on mom and dad's birthdays this year!

  3. It sounds like you had a great birthday True! We love you and look forward to seeing you in March!

  4. Also, way to go J- that cake sounds amazing!

  5. I have enjoyed your blog immensely! Thank you for being so raw and sharing your Christ perspective. Whether Highs, lows, frustrations, weaknesses, strengths. I love all of it and look forward to when you write. May the Lord bless you guys as you continue to do His work. May He multiply the work of your hands. And may you at the end of the day be satisfied with what He has accomplished in you whether work or family. We love you guys, The Butlers
