Monday, February 2, 2015

A new adventure begins

And we're off! We departed Dulles Sunday evening with no problems (only a minor glitch when Ty realized he left his wallet at jj's house-but she zipped back and got it in no time!)
This time we are excited to have grandma and granddaddy join us for the first three weeks. So far it's been easy traveling with a ratio of adults to children 5:3. This is a very good thing!!
For now we sit in Amsterdam watching the planes on the runway drinking overpriced coffee while we wait for our departing flight to Nairobi. Thank you for your prayers for our trip!


  1. So happy to read your inaugural post for this trip. Glad things are off to a good start, and I'm SO glad you have so many adults to handle the kids. Especially the very busy one-and-a-half-year-old ;-)

  2. so glad to hear things are going well! thanks for sharing your experiences with us! love to you all!


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